price of each vehicle and fuels (economical efficiency), supply, ease of use, and so on, is necessary. -1.0. -0.5. 0.0. 0.5. 1.0. 1.5. Well-to- Powertrains in the European Context”, Well-to-Tank Report Version 1, December 2003, Download at :.
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- 1007
- 1426
- 1674
- 1218
- 1469
- 1062
- 1110
- 614
- 327
- 1521
- 1138
- 1930
- 1608
- 987
- 158
- 366
- 1232
- 1404
- 415
- 1036
- 493
- 860
- 79
- 786
- 1436
- 406
- 1931
- 1979
- 1627
- 743
- 1844
- 1058
- 1807
- 1887
- 1728
- 219
- 713
- 1274
- 1285
- 1242
- 1923
- 1454
- 553
- 1417
- 1202
- 412
- 196
- 236
- 319
- 1969
- 945
- 104
- 1459
- 1833
- 1926
- 147
- 1347
- 888
- 1783
- 1063
- 1131
- 988
- 1584
- 1678
- 81
- 123
- 1721
- 1259
- 1939
- 1653
- 1958
- 120
- 1173
- 1113
- 1040
- 308
- 663
- 1585
- 1024
- 211
- 1696
- 1661
- 1658
- 1799
- 1741