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2015/09/24 2019/03/25 2015/03/19 Modular ASIC/FPGA miner written in C, featuring overclocking, monitoring, fan speed control and remote interface capabilities. - jstefanop/bfgminer Dismiss Be notified of new releases Create your free GitHub account today to Alibaba.com offers 31 cointerra bitcoin miner products. About 51% of these are Blockchain Miners. A wide variety of cointerra bitcoin miner options are available to you, such as video memory capacity, rating power.
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2015/01/28 2015/09/24 2019/03/25 2015/03/19 Modular ASIC/FPGA miner written in C, featuring overclocking, monitoring, fan speed control and remote interface capabilities. - jstefanop/bfgminer Dismiss Be notified of new releases Create your free GitHub account today to Alibaba.com offers 31 cointerra bitcoin miner products. About 51% of these are Blockchain Miners. A wide variety of cointerra bitcoin miner options are available to you, such as video memory capacity, rating power.
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- 934
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- 1795
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- 1587
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- 1469
- 276
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- 1666
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- 94
- 91
- 866
- 1261
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- 1695
- 1477
- 1154
- 634
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- 111
- 1124
- 1398
- 1025
- 422
- 131
- 1745
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- 84
- 307
- 1711
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- 82
- 766
- 295
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- 1441
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- 240
- 1967
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- 1298
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- 315
- 1186
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- 497
- 1639
- 939
- 1478
- 1454
- 735
- 1328